Reference comment '''[as ssp. ''trachycaulus'']''' "Native grass common to a wide variety of elevations and habitats in Alaska. Recognized by its longer glumes and their subequal margins. '''[as ssp. ''subsecundus'']''' "Common grass of the Great Plains. Appears to have been introduced to Alaska'' [map shows records from Haines/Skagway]

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A list of all pages that have property "Reference comment" with value "'''[as ssp. ''trachycaulus'']''' "Native grass common to a wide variety of elevations and habitats in Alaska. Recognized by its longer glumes and their subequal margins. '''[as ssp. ''subsecundus'']''' "Common grass of the Great Plains. Appears to have been introduced to Alaska'' [map shows records from Haines/Skagway]"


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