Tetralophozia setiformis

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Tetralophozia setiformis:

Local Notes

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Worley's Map of Collection Records for Chandonanthus setiformis

Ian Worley
[as Chandonanthus setiformis]
Southeastern Alaska Distribution: Throughout. In alpine sites often very local and scarce. From sea level to the summits of mountains.
Habitat: Widespread and scattered strands among lichens on mountain ridges and summits, on cliffs (mainly in areas of primary succession), and on edaphically dry, but stable, sand and gravel. In this last habitat large clones may develop. Sometimes in shady sites in successional zones.
Comments: Sterile in southeastern Alaska. Although generally considered an arctic-alpine species and only occuring at higher elevations in the southern parts of its range it reaches near sea level in southeastern Alaska in areas of rapid deglaciation and subsequent revegetation. This, plus its ability to maintain itself as a few strands in high alpine and severe habitats, indcate that the species could have followed the ice margin during the Pleistocene, and may have been able to utilize nunataks as refuge sites. The world distribution of the species suggests that it expanded southward from imperfectly glaciated areas in the northern Northern Hemisphere and is a “relict” or “old” species. It strangely is missing in the Rockies.

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