Summary Common migrant, Rare to Uncommon in other seasons. Nesting known from around Juneau (Accidental) and Yakutat (Uncommon). Highest counts are typically observed near Gustavus or Juneau. Appears to be more commo in the northern part of the region in summer. * ''other references for Yakutat nesting?'' * ''Nesting in northern Lynn Canal?''

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A list of all pages that have property "Summary" with value "Common migrant, Rare to Uncommon in other seasons. Nesting known from around Juneau (Accidental) and Yakutat (Uncommon). Highest counts are typically observed near Gustavus or Juneau. Appears to be more commo in the northern part of the region in summer. * ''other references for Yakutat nesting?'' * ''Nesting in northern Lynn Canal?''"
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