Frullania franciscana

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Frullania franciscana: ID notes from BFNA treatment: has variable dorsal lobe apices that are usually rounded, but may sometimes be bluntly acute.

Distinguishing from Frullania californiana: ocelli arranged in a median line that is 1--2, sometimes 3 cells wide for F. franciscana, versus ocelli sometimes scattered on the dorsal lobe

Distinguishing from Frullania nisquallensis: In F. nisquallensis the ocelli are frequently absent, although they may be present in a few dorsal lobes as a short, broken line. The ventral leaf margins of F. franciscana usually have a blunt angulation on one or both sides at about the middle of the leaf.

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Ian Worley

Southeastern Alaska Distribution: Sitka, Goddard Hot Spring and Port San Antonio (Evans; 1900, 1914). Not reported since.
Habitat: Trees, fences, rocks. (Frye and Clark, 1937-47)
Comments: The species is uncommon in Alaska, and has not been reported by recent workers.

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