Sitka/Canada Goose

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Sitka/Birds: Canada Goose

Sitka Summary: Canada Geese migrate over Sitka in large numbers. They are sometimes seen on the ground around town, though reports are usually not frequent and only for small numbers (relative to the large flocks seen flying in migration). It is expected that this species may be found on the ground more often and in greater abundance in Sitka area locations that are not on the road system.

Canada Geese are known to nest in the area, they are probably Uncommon breeders Pre-flight young have been observed on at least one occasion near the road system at Medvejie Lake.

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Sitka Canada Goose

Canada Goose has frequently been seen on the Christmas Bird Count, though many of those observations probably took place in one of the off-road system bays that are part of the count circle.